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Nama Gw Andrew Filipus Simanjuntak, Sedang Berusaha Mendalami Ilmu Computer And Networking...Orang Bilang Aq tuh Orangx Fun.... Humoris..... Gokil.... Hmmm Tapi Lebih Baik Km Smua yg Nilai Aq... Be Your Self Guys

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Person follow person who stand for something. On one of my personal development blogs, I talk a lot about the relationship between the brain and personal development. I stand firm on my point that to be effective as human beings, we must understand how to condition and operate our own brains.

Other person who feel the same way end up following me and subscribing to new updates. Because I stand for brain conscious personal development, other people with similar views tend to follow me. Another thing to keep in mind is that person follow person who are certain about something. They may not agree with you, they may not even know anything about what you're writing about, but it may interest them a bit and because you're firm on it, they follow you.
So what do you stand for? Is it a specific way to approach a complex life situation that most of us deal with? Maybe you have a radically different view on politics than most people. Whatever it is, write about it, don't worry about what people think and watch the people who are aligned with your ideas come to follow you. Most people think they have to conform when it comes to being noticed online, and I thought that for a while too. Not true. Originality ultimately wins. People who stand for something and are firm on it will amass a following if they stick with it enough. Be firm, know what you're about and blog about it.

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